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TRADITIONAL FOLKLORE USE OF PATHA - Cissampelous pareira (MALAITHANGI IN diarrhoea in children )

TRADITIONAL FOLKLORE USE OF PATHA - Cissampelous pareira (MALAITHANGI IN diarrhoea in children )

Posted On 02 Apr 2022



  1. Balaja atisara (diarrhea in children) is one of the common problems faced by pediatric age group.
  2. There are many causes for balaja atisara
  3. one of the important causes is bhayaja (by fear) and grahaja (external factors) atisara.
  4. Malaithangi (Cissampelous pareira), a plant that belongs to menispermaceae family shows an immense effect in stoppage of atisara just by keeping its kalka of its leaf in bregma (top of the head) region.
  5. Most Importantly these are easy for Administration.



Literary view
 Folklore Vaidyas in south due to its antipyretic (jwaragna) and boothagna (broadspectrum) properties, it shows best effect on bhayaja (by fear) and grahaja (external factors) atisaras. Acts on bregmatic area where there is tuft of capillaries are situated and regulate gut-brain-barrier. ^1


Due to the Tikta guna and ushna veerya of the drug it arrests the pitha dosha as well as dravatvam (watery property) of atisara(diarrhea). Pharmocological studies has found the Hayatin methiodide present in malaithangi is a potent neuromuscular blocking agent which can slow down the GIT function. ^2


The need for protecting the pediatric age group has a significant role in further development as well as on immunity. So, to avoid the depleting disease such as atisara which is without any cause and of sudden onset has proven some graha effect too.Thus, the external kalka application of malaithangi in head can even stop the atisara and can even protect the child from other invations (Graha rogas)


1.World Journal of Gastroentrology

2.A Clinical Trial of Hayatin  
methiodine-S. n pradhan

Sanskrit terms used

Bhayaja - By fear
Grahaja - By external forces / factors
Atisara - Diarrhoea
Dravatwa - watery nature

1.P. GAYATHRI, 3rd yrBAMS;
2.Dr. Divya.P. S Asst prof dept of Agadhatantra;

3.Dr. Aratikrishnan.E, Associate professor,
Dept. of Dravyaguna; Ayurveda College Coimbatore.

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